11 Essential Tools In The Toolbox Of A Handyman

Tools are the most important asset of a handyman. Without proper tools he can do nothing regardless of his knowledge, skills and expertise. I know some people who keep almost every tool known on the planet in their toolbox. I don’t know how much those tools help them, but in my opinion eleven tools are enough to complete majority of handyman jobs. So if you want to set up your own handyman toolbox or just want to clean up your toolbox a bit then you can start with these eleven:

Crescent wrenches: These wrenches are used particularly for loosening or tightening bolts and nuts. Keep a few versions of them with you. I personally prefer a 10″ version for opening larger bolts and a smaller version for opening smaller nuts.

Hammer: There aren’t too many varieties of this tool and any hammer will do the tasks that you need. Several hammers sold in the market today are made of plastic and rubber. Avoid ball-peen hammers with rounded heads because they’re useless for most household tasks.

Drill bits and drills: Many people may advise you to purchase a cordless drill. But in my opinion, you shouldn’t. When batteries die in the middle of the task, it leads to frustration. So instead of carrying so many battery packs in your toolbox, purchase a drill with cord and get rid of that extra crap.

Circular Saw: Instead of messing up with handsaw for hours it’s always a good choice to choose circular saw that’ll do most jobs decently.

Level: Choosing a level for your toolbox shouldn’t be complicated. Plastic, wood or metal all can work finely. However, keep in mind that you should choose the one that’s at least 12-inches long.

Screwdriver Kits: First of all don’t mess up with battery powered screwdrivers, stubby screwdrivers and 4 in 1 screwdrivers. You’ll need two types of screwdrivers – a slotted screwdriver and a head screwdriver that looks like cross.

Pliers: Choosing this thing is an art because there are thousands of types of pliers out in the market. However, a slip join plier and a needle nose plier are enough for most household tasks.

Tape measure: A 12 or 16 feet long metal retractable tape measure will be fine for almost all household tasks.

Tin snips: Although these are used particularly for cutting sheet metal, still they can be used for cutting plastic or wire too.

Stud finder: The only purpose of this tool is to locate a board in the wall so don’t get fancy while choosing it!

Utility Knife: Here comes the most dangerous tool of this list. If you’re a beginner, be extraordinary careful while using it otherwise you may end up in hospital. Use it for safely cutting things like cardboards and ropes.